GCC region has witnessed major cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure in the recent years that could affect the wellbeing of the population. According to international media, these attacks were not only aimed to destroy data and shutdown operations but possibly cause an explosion. case of cyber weaponization.
The current situations impose a huge responsibility on the OT, ICS & IT professionals to ensure the safety and security of these critical assets to ensure the safety of human lives, the environment, and the economy of the country.
With these objectives in mind, we present The GCC OT Security Summit that aims to establish a premier platform for knowledge sharing, professional networking, and capacity building in operational technology (OT). Hosted on theme “Building a Resilient OT Environment & Critical Infrastructure”, this summit is scheduled for 21 & 22 May 2025 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
The GCC OT Security Summit aspires to elevate OT knowledge across multiple sectors, promote innovative solutions, and address emerging challenges within critical infrastructure protection. With a focus on interactive workshops and targeted discussions, the event will bring together thought leaders, policymakers, and practitioners to chart the future of OT cybersecurity.
The Event will be supported by the alumni’s from the state of the art professionals from Critical Infrastructures Protection, Industrial Cybersecurity and Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity. The event will also focus on the specific approach to IT and OT cybersecurity convergence and information security management in the Middle East region that will include regulatory aspects, existing standards, management frameworks, latest technologies and innovations.
At the end of the event, the participants will have suffixes knowledge and tools pave their path to ensure the right supervision, management and implementation of the technical and organizational measures of OT Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructures Protection. The GCC OT Security Summit presents a unique opportunity to bolster UAE’s cybersecurity ecosystem by addressing the critical needs of operational technology environments. The summit will enrich the national discourse on OT cybersecurity and also position the UAE as a global hub for innovation and excellence in this domain.